Thursday, October 4, 2012


Ok. So It has been a really long time since I have posted anything on this blog. I have decided to take it up again and rethink about how I wanted to address it. So pretty much what ever seems to be floating around in my head at the time I am writing my blogs will be the subject of what I post. So here it goes.



Yes my friends it just doesn't seem to end right now with the limitless chatter about who did what and who is better for this country. Both sides increasingly rise up against each other as November nears. You can't talk to many Americans about who you are voting for without offending them and everything that person has held dear! WHY!?! Honestly, I really don't like either presidential candidate. But I try to seek out the candidate that best reflects my views.

You thought it was the Lakers for a moment didn't you?

Not quite. OMG he is an anarchist!!!! No. I would call myself an anarchist if I was. I just really want the government to stay out of my life!!! No! I don't want government sanctioned health care! No! I don't want big government! No! I don't want the government to meddle with the economy. The proper role of government is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. 

There are other beliefs among the party that don't completely coincide with what I feel like no restrictions on pornography and abortion. But we can't find a party that reflects perfectly all our beliefs but I have done my research and this best reflects how I feel.

This man can be President of the United States

He had an outstanding track record as one of the most fiscally conservative governors in history.

He may not become the president but he would be a smart choice in my opinion.

Well. You may or may not feel the same way as I do about politics but that is perfectly fine. We are all different and we value things differently in our lives. What we must not lose is civility in addressing one another and sharing ideas. The only way this country can move forward is to work together. We have to swallow our pride and make compromises in order to achieve our dreams of a better future. There is not only one man who can guarantee us this better future. 

WE are the ones who will bring this dream to fruition!
WE decide what the government can and cannot do!
WE are the ones who fight every day trying to eek out a living!
WE are the ones the founding fathers envisioned and fought for!

We can do so much good in the country and we can band together to ward off bad.
We may not all see eye to eye but we are all Americans and owe it to each other to treat all men as our equal and protect the liberties of all citizens of all walks of life.

Now that I have bored and/or angered you all with this post, I will step of the soapbox. I will continue to do those things required of me to be a citizen of the United States and especially in November; vote for the candidate who I feel will best serve us as citizens of this great nation.

God Bless Murica!

1 comment:

  1. This post was too long for me to read, but I thought it was pretty cool from what I skimmed over. I was thinking about creating my own party. You would be invited to join it of course. Let me know how you feel about that.


