I think that people have really lost a connection with humanity in general. We are all people and we have emotions and can feel. Yet at times we feel justified in demonizing others, feeling as though those people don't feel or care for our concerns. When I view my recent frustrations I realize the most at fault is me, myself, and I! I'm being selfish! We care for what is to our own benefit and gain yet when people have other ideas that may inhibit our wants we become like animals and fight until we get what we want.
I don't know if you believe in democracy or communism, atheism or religion, optimism or pessimism, psychoanalysis or humanistic approach, Plato or Aristotle, creationism or evolution, LA Lakers or Phoenix Suns, sweet or sour, skinny or fat, poor or rich, but we must learn to live together in this world otherwise what man once considered humanity will be destroyed by the very same mankind that defined it.
Disagreement and contention are not commonly founded by hatred, but rather upon something that has led many down paths that killed their human connections. Ignorance. What leads man to assume and make false pretenses of people, events and world issues? Ignorance. We say what we and those around us want to hear to fit our idea of reality yet in many ways important truths are obscured and hearsay reigns as fact.
You want to find out what is going on in the world? Go tune in to newscasts on television and they will dish it up anyway that you like based upon your values. Where is the truth!?! It's in people! Get to know people you would normally talk with! I don't say that having differences is bad, but disguising things to fit a certain perspective or belief is. We must seek truth in everything we do. We must be slow to judge those that many others so readily scrutinize. We are all connected as humans on this planet whether you believe we are the creations of some supreme designer or merely a evolutionary component of a primordial soup called quark-gluon plasma. We fail our fellow man when we disrespect each other and seek for justification. We are to be here to help others no matter what happens nor who they are because that is what we are capable of doing. We very well could be the only one that changes someone's life for the better.
Wow. Time for me to shut my mouth. I found this video and thought it was appropriate for the occasion. Yes, it's a little cheesy but it has a good message.